Common Grant Application

The Colorado Common Grant Application (CGA) is presented in a format that enables you to save it to your hard drive and complete it without recreating the document. The CGA is a stand-alone document that includes basic instructions for completion.

Colorado Common Grant for Capital Campaigns

The CGA for Capital Campaigns is designed for capital requests related to the purchase, construction, and/or renovation of a building. It can also be used for land purchase, but is probably not appropriate for purchase of equipment or vehicles unless those are part of a comprehensive building project. As always, check with your grantmaker about their use of the CGA-Capital before submitting a request.

User’s Guide

The User’s Guide combines the collective thoughts and experience of grantmakers, grantseekers, and technical assistance providers to explain the intent of each question, to offer tips on crafting a well-rounded answer, and to provide an easily accessible source of help for people writing a grant application. The User’s Guide is not a replacement for a discussion with a specific foundation about your proposal.

The User’s Guide can be read beginning to end or referenced on an as needed basis. The PDF file is bookmarked to allow you to turn directly to the section(s) or question(s) of interest. It can be used online or downloaded to your desktop.

Tips & Recommendations

  • Open the appropriate CGA and save it to your hard drive. Both applications are provided in Word to allow you to write your proposal using the format and framework provided, without having to recreate the document.
  • In the Narrative Section, leave the bold headings, but delete the instructions and questions as you work, giving yourself the maximum amount of space to respond to the questions.
  • You can double click on the checkboxes found in the checklist and in the Summary Sheet Form to replace it with a checked box, or other symbol of your choice.
  • Remember there are page limits for the narrative and limited space in the entry boxes of the Summary Sheet Form.

For more information, please contact:

Katy Pepinsky, Director of Grant Services