The Participation Project

Welcome to the Participation Project! Nonprofits have a unique opportunity and responsibility to engage in nonpartisan voter engagement efforts, playing a crucial role in ensuring that every voice is heard in our democracy. Learn more about the pivotal role that trusted local nonprofits play in building a more inclusive democracy through nonpartisan voter engagement in historically underrepresented communities in Nonprofit Vote’s Nonprofit Power Report. CRC’s Participation Project supports Colorado nonprofits in developing and implementing effective civic engagement efforts.

The Colorado Participation Project was founded in 2010 and later adopted as a program of Community Resource Center in 2015.

Program Overview

CRC works directly with nonprofits to develop an action plan for their civic engagement efforts. Our program focuses on nonpartisan voter engagement efforts such as voter education and registration services, helping to break down barriers to voting and increase civic engagement in underrepresented communities.

CRC provides a range of resources and support to help nonprofits effectively engage their community in elections. Our services include training on effective voter engagement strategies, voter registration materials, and communication tools to help nonprofits effectively engage with their community. We also offer guidance on remaining nonpartisan to maintain credibility and trust with the community.

Communities with higher rates of civic participation are more likely to volunteer, experience lower unemployment, and have better health outcomes. By prioritizing nonpartisan voter engagement efforts, nonprofits have a unique opportunity to make a significant difference in our democracy. By engaging clients and community in elections, nonprofit organizations may also increase their influence with elected officials and decision makers, leading to more effective advocacy efforts.

Join the Movement

Join the Participation Project today and let us help you make a positive impact on your community!

Please fill out our interest form to get involved!

If you are interested in learning more please contact Monica DeWitt, Civic Engagement Program Manager, to learn about next steps. Email: email hidden; JavaScript is required.

Program Impact

In 2022 and 2023 the Participation Project engaged voters in 39 counties across Colorado. In 2023, we partnered with 20 direct service nonprofits at 50 locations across Colorado to provide guidance, training, and resources to assist them in offering nonpartisan voter engagement efforts to their community. We engaged 7,133 voters and trained 591 staff, volunteers, and constituents on the importance of voting, voter engagement tactics, nonpartisanship, voting rights, and cultural competency. CRC cultivated a diverse team of 6 organizers to support in-person outreach at our partner organizations.

Key: Stars indicate our nonprofit partner hubs and the teal counties show our overall reach.

For more information, please contact: Monica DeWitt, Civic Engagement Program Manager

Email: email hidden; JavaScript is required