Southwest Rural Philanthropy Days™ is Coming to Durango!

The Rural Philanthropy Days™ (RPD) conference is scheduled to return to the Southwest region in Durango, June 7-9, 2023. This unique conference provides a forum for quality professional development opportunities close to home as well as networking with other community leaders in the region and relationship building opportunities with statewide funders. RPD™ not only creates the space to educate each other on regional needs but also works towards collaboratively addressing community-wide issues in the region.

Interested in being a part of the planning process for Southwest RPD? Join the Steering Committee! This group of local leaders will collaborate over the next eight months to build programming that will unite the region, build the capacity of nonprofits, and expand professional networks at Southwest RPD. Nonprofits connecting together and with grantmaking partners is more important than ever, and these Steering Committees will help ensure the success of Southwest RPD.

To learn more about serving on the Steering Committee, please email Nellie Stagg, Senior Program Director, at email hidden; JavaScript is required.

Upcoming Events

Southwest DEI Learning Group 

The Southwest Diversity, Equity and Inclusion (DEI) Learning Group is welcoming new members who would like to join a monthly coffee chat working group centered around DEI work in the region. The goal of this peer learning group is to create a safe and supportive space for organizational and personal journeys towards equity and to hold each other accountable along the way. The group will work to connect organizations across the region to share resources, discuss challenges, celebrate successes, and focus heavily on ways to address institutional oppression in our communities.

The group will meet on the first Wednesday of every month from 10am-12pm on Zoom.

If you are interested in joining, please contact Katy Pepinksy at email hidden; JavaScript is required. All those committed to addressing inequities in their communities and workplaces are welcome!

El Grupo de Estudio de Diversidad, Equidad e Inclusión (DEI)

El Grupo de Estudio de Diversidad, Equidad e Inclusión (DEI) del Sudoeste busca nuevos miembros que quisieran unirse a un grupo de trabajo con charlas informales mensuales enfocadas en el trabajo de DEI en la región. La meta de este grupo de estudio entre pares es la de crear un espacio seguro y apoyador para los viajes de las organizaciones o de los individuos hacia la equidad, y mantenernos responsables mientras tanto. El grupo trabajará para conectar las organizaciones de toda la región para compartir recursos, hablar de sus desafíos, celebrar sus éxitos y enfocarse mucho en las maneras de abordar la opresión institucionalizada en nuestras comunidades.

El grupo se reunirá el primer miércoles de cada mes desde las 10 am a las 12 pm, con refrigerios ligeros incluidos. La ubicación de la reunión cambiará dentro de la región para facilitar el acceso a las reuniones, con reembolsos de combustible disponibles de ser solicitados. ¡También se anima que compartan los vehículos!

La primera reunión será el 1ero de septiembre desde las 10 am a las 12 pm por Zoom. Si tienes interés en unirte, por favor comunícate con Katy Pepinksy en email hidden; JavaScript is required. ¡Todos aquellos comprometidos a abordar las inequidades en sus comunidades y lugares de trabajo son bienvenidos!

Check out what we did during the Southwest 2018 RPD™!

For more information, please contact:

Natalie Georgalas, Rural Action Network Program Manager at email hidden; JavaScript is required