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Welcome to the Virtual Funder Roundtables Resource Page!

If you are participating in the Northeast Virtual Funder Roundtables, you will receive an email to select your funder-specific sessions on Friday, March 12th. If you are participating in the Heart of Colorado Virtual Funder Roundtables, you will receive an email to select your funder-specific sessions on Friday, March 26th.

At the Virtual Funder Roundtables (VFRTs) you will have the opportunity to introduce yourself to statewide and regional funders, share a bit about your work, ask questions about fit, and speak to your needs and plans.

This three-hour session will provide participating grantseekers with the opportunity to connect with up to six funders throughout the morning. Nonprofits will sign up for a time block to introduce themselves to funders of their choice in a small group breakout with other organizations from the same region.

To ensure that you make the most of the VFRTs and that it runs smoothly for all involved, please make full use of the provided resources to do research on participating funders prior to signing up for a specific funder’s session.

This event serves as a catalyst for continued relationship building between nonprofits and grantmakers at the 2021 Rural Philanthropy Days, so be sure to check out the 2021 Rural Philanthropy Days Conferences in the Northeast ( and Heart of Colorado (!


How do you find the right funders to speak with at VFRTs? Look for a match between your organization’s mission, programs, and projects and the funder’s primary funding areas. Is there a consistency between the purpose and goals of your project and the funder? Does the funder award the type of grant that you are seeking? Does the funder work in your geographic area?

Below you will see a summary table with information on participating funders by region. You are able to search and filter the table using terms separated by spaces, such as primary funding areas and grant types.

Ex: Education Program

Please be sure to select the correct regional tab!

As a VFRT participant, you have complimentary access to The Colorado Grants Guide® funder profiles, which are linked in the table. These profiles provide helpful, in-depth information allowing you to determine if your work and their funding priorities are a good match.

If you have any questions about the provided resources, please feel free to contact email hidden; JavaScript is required.


Types of Foundations

  • Corporate: a company that has started a separate philanthropic entity to award funding that aligns with their work/issue areas
  • Operating: 501c branch of a large public entity (hospital, school, university, etc.) which serves as their in-house fundraising arm; generally does not engage in grantmaking
  • Private: a foundation usually created via a single contribution/donation from an individual or a business (sale of a hospital, etc.); their funds and programs are managed by trustees or board of directors; giving often aligned to original donor intent
  • Community: grantmaking entities seeking to impact their local geographic area; assets come from multiple sources (individuals, families and local businesses) to support a specific community; tend to have broad giving priorities

Types of Grants

  • Capital Improvement: funding for long term needs, usually associated with a facility; includes construction, acquisition, improvements
  • Emergency Loans/Grants: a one-time grant or loan to help NPO meet a short-term funding crisis
  • General Operating: also referred to as unrestricted grants; used to cover daily expenses or administrative costs
  • Matching/Challenge: grant with the requirement that the amount be matched dollar-for-dollar; conditional grant that requires the recipient to raise additional funds within a specified period of time to help develop a diversified funding base
  • Project/Program Support: a grant to support a specific project or program; money is restricted for this purpose
  • Research: a grant to support the costs of studies, surveys, or clinical trials, including demonstration and pilot programs; grants awarded to individuals are usually called fellowships
  • Scholarships: a grant award to an individual, usually for education
  • Sponsorships: a grant or donation that provides a marketing opportunity for the donor
  • Start-up/Seed Money: funding given in support of a new project that may cover salaries and other operating expenses
  • Technical Assistance: grants that support operational or management assistance such as fundraising assistance, budgeting and financial planning, legal advice, technical advice, etc.